Jumat, 19 Juli 2013

best friend or good friend ?

hi there!
it's a looooong time since i leave my blog, ten days exactly. there's so many thing i have to do, saary. by the way i was officialy 17th yesterday, woohooo that was freaking me out, and i have been graduated from my high school so this time i'm going to study at university, but i don't understand what i feel now. i don't know is it good or bad. i mean, come on! university is mean that you have been grown up and quite independent to deal with real world. but in other side i feel sad because it mean i will parted with my friends, and i can't do a crazy and hilarious things anymore.

ughh.. it was complicated thing.

but no, i'm not going to share about univerisy thing. this post will be a little bit absurd post.
yesterday i see a tweet of someone i did't know. he said ...

"a good friend buy you lunch, a best friend eat your lunch"

isn't it an interesting words uh? ever since i saw it, i kept thinking about it. i try to find what it mean, and now i get it! it's about differentciate between a "good friend" and a "best friend" of a friendships. you must have friends, right? someone who cares about you, who understands your feeling, someone who would love to spend the time with you. but did you know what kind of your friendship ? is that a bestfriends or just a goodfriends ? you don't know ?. okay i will tell you the differentciate. thus, you will know what kind friendship of yours.

even though their smile describe how happy they are, they aren't best friend
even though their smile describe how happy they are, they aren't best friend.

'cause a best friend is not about you smile,
but it about how comfort are you being yourself when you're together

i get a photo of beautifull celebrities.
but think they're just such of a good friends

because a best friend does not include the background of life in it
no matter who you are.

a good friend will always be nice to you

but a best friend will teach you how to be nice

a best friend wouldn't hide and close their eyes when you made a mistake

they would admonish you and show you how to be right

a best friend don't have to always be there for you

but they always with you everytime you need them

so that was my explain abot friendship. after read this you might furrowed your brow and say "OMFG, WHO THE HELL CARES ?" but i cares! and for those people who cares.. You Rock!
so wich one are yours ? a good friend ? or a best friend ?


Selasa, 09 Juli 2013


I wonder how ruthless and enigmatic could people’s mind be. How their passion continued branching and become an endless. Since they get what they want, they'll never be in contented feeling. They keep looking for a better, for them. Keep moving under this haunting continuous discontentment and sometime they decide to waste things that have been obtained.

I wonder how powerful and engaging their words could be. How you can be impressed and easily defined. Seeing the face, the look, the expression they cast upon you as they spoke. When they see you get something more than they have gotten, they'll lauding at you, catapulting sweet words. But who knows, the compliment and smiles that comes out of their mouths is a trick to hide their spite. You see what is seen. You never know the unseen.

I wonder how greedy people could be. Never feel enough to what they've gotten. Complaining, blabbering, and blaming the destiny. Always looking for an excuse to leave and go to get something better. Some people will do anything for things they want, one way or another. They fulled their head with ambition, desire, and such things that blinded them to the good and the bad. hereupon, turned them into cruel monsters.

I wonder how fast people could get bored. They judging something/one is not good for them when they do not even know that well. And how easy they get interest. They swiftly move and re persue their desires when they are not even grateful for the things that they have been obtained. And people will do it again and over again.

I wonder how pitty they could be. When they found themself tired to chase something better. When they belatedly realized that the better things is does not exist. because those "better" things are just things that we have no, and "better" things are things that we create ourselves when we feel dissatisfied and ungrateful.

And I wonder how all these remain as an enigma.

Senin, 08 Juli 2013

Racikan Kata dari Dara Prayoga

Sebuah Pesan Tentang Keadaan


Bukan sebuah heran, angin laut sore menyejukkan. Bukan mimpi, gemuruh ombaknya terdengar bermelodi. Bukan rahasia, semua terasa seperti itu ketika jatuh cinta. Dan bukanlah keadaan, jika tak bisa membuat yang indah menjadi ketakutan.

Kata orang, cinta sesuatu yang megah. Namun kadang megahnya tertutup keadaan kemudian kalah.

Keadaan di mana pada diri satu orang, atau keduanya terdapat cinta tapi masing-masing atau salah satunya sudah memiliki pasangan. Keadaan di mana dua orang saling sayang, tapi orang tua berkehendak lain. Keadaan di mana dua orang saling cinta, tapi berbeda Tuhan –yang katanya satu–. Keadaan di mana seseorang jatuh cinta, tetapi yang satunya terasa terlalu sempurna untuk dia. Mungkin masih banyak lagi keadaan-keadaan di luar sana yang menyisakan kepahitan.

Mengapa seringkali sebuah cinta tumbuh di keadaan yang tidak memungkinkan? Apakah sebuah cinta adalah tumbuhan yang tidak peduli habitatnya berkeadaan seperti apa, hanya membutuhkan ketulusan? Akan tetapi, apakah ketulusan saja cukup untuk bersama? Tidak, untuk bersama, juga butuh keadaan.

Begitu pula dengan keputusanku memendam perasaan. Ini semua, sedikit banyak karena keadaan. Apa yang tumbuh dalam hati seiring aku memandang senyummu, melihat tawamu, menatap binar matamu, harus aku pendam sendiri.

Selagi menunggu keadaan –yang mungkin tak akan datang–, aku guratkan tinta hati hingga senja menjelang. Aku kemas surat itu dalam beningnya botol ketulusan, dan membiarkannya bebas di luasnya lautan kemungkinan.

“Jika memang jodoh, kita pasti akan bersama.” Ah, akhirnya aku mengatakan itu. Mengatakan kalimat bagi orang yang kalah dalam perjuangan mendapatkan seorang pujaan.

Aku tak ingin menjadikan keadaan sebagai pesakitan. Karena sudah terlalu sering kata itu berlalu-lalang di kisah kehidupan. Kamu boleh caci aku karena mengungkapkan rasa pun tak berani. Tapi mungkin kamu juga tahu, bahwa kadang melawan keadaan tak semudah yang pernah ada dalam mimpi.

Dan biarkan pesan dalam botol ini, tetap menjadi rahasia hati.


Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

day #3

hello marshmallow..
today i'm going to share the challenge number 3 ; pictures of something that make you happy
then here it is

i'd love to traveling by using this old bicycle

 having a guy best friend

 to live in tree house is my biggest dream

 to owns a beautiful garden in my backyard

this is the best cake i've ever seen

 london, i'll be there soon..


Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

day #2

hello again, today i'll share the 2nd of the challenge.

day #2 ; song to match your mood today
honestly, i was feeling messed up today, there's something problem that i cant tell you. and this asshole makes me look like a menye menye girl all around the day. too many song that i heard today and it all feel match with my mood today.
but i should pick one, so i guess Taylor Swift - All Too Well is the best for describe my feeling now.
idk but i think some part of the lyric is touching me, it's like she talk to me in some part. just google it please.

and dear someone who has made me a mess, thankyou, thankyou verry much for this complicated thing! you are absolutely succeed! GAAAHHH
sorry for the rant, but seriously i cant handle it by myself i need someone to talk to, but.... helloooooww it's 1:05 am already. i wonder whom i should talk to now.

i wish i could sleep now, make a cuddle with my pillow and blanket. okay, i'll probably try it now.
but before i go i would to share a cheesy thing...

bye people,
bye horrible day

Selasa, 02 Juli 2013

day #1 ; introduce yourself, post recent picture of you and 10 random fact about you

please forgive me for temporally ditched this blog and the 30 days challenge for a while. its been such a bouncy , bumpy and very rough days lately. i dont even know how to explain. I was busy for the college exam days and also it's thingy majiggy that unfortunately, i cant ignore. since the challenge has no exact rules, so i think it's better to start this now..


hi there! my name is Neisy Thresna Nesyah. you can just call me neisy, nesyah, ney, and yea.. some of my friends call me jibrut. arif tell you why later :p

10 fact about me :
well i have tell you some of my weird fact in previous post, so let's jump to the rest.

1. omelet lover
yea, i think no one love it more than me. let me tell you, i can live for months with just eat some omelet. that fried eggs always spoil my stomach.

2. i can't squat
this one is embrassing i guess, but for my lovely blogwalkers i'll tell everything in my life:p
well i dont know why i cant do that thing, i always fell my ass down everytime i tried. am i the one ? oh come on.

3. never sleep well with my bedlight off
if you think i have a phobia of the dark, you absolutely wrong. i just cant sleep on the darkness, i mean how can you close your eyes while it feel like you did.

4. europan stuffs lova
I don't think that I sud explain why. Just google it out. europa is such a beautiful continent. All I know is this country inspires me so much. From the smallest traditions to their hugest history. the castle, the kingdom, the people. I feel like I'm in love with europa more and more day by day. who should i blame for making such a too-gorgeous-to-ignore country like that ?

5. talk and sing a lot
This point. I talk (sometimes) so much. btw, I sing songs many more than you can expect me to. In bedroom, bathroom, class....... on the bus. even while my lecturer "singing" their own "songs" :P

6. flowers, i love you
yes, I fucking love that colorfull things so much. I have no idea why can I be so in love with flowers. I find it beautiful everytime i see it. i wish i live in a tree house wich surrounded by flowers.

okay, you can see the rest in my previous post.
feel unfair? i'm the boss here however :p
Look at that! did my first day of challenge! yay!